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Our Services

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Our mission is to help you download book contexts in your mind in under 15 minutes and apply them to your daily life.

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The internet now produces more information than ever. However, you still have the same amount of time you had previously to grasp and retain this information. In other words, you’ll don’t have enough time to read and learn everything. 

From hundreds of newsletters to four-hour-long podcasts to listen to every day, the chances are that you’ll never access some great ideas. And that’s why we want to help you access loads of information faster, retain it and apply it to your daily life.

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Why Booknoticis the Best


At Booknotic, we use advanced learning and memory principles combined with neuroscience and hypnotherapy to install the contents of a book into your conscious and unconscious mind in under 15 minutes. Our objective is to build your creativity and enhance your growth. 

But that’s not all—unlike existing book summary or audiobook services already summarising book content in audio tracks, our service provides summarised book content in audio tracks using hypnosis and memory principles to increase your retention rate.

Our primary goal is to provide you with the most effective and easiest way to learn and remember the content from a book, using the latest in neuroscience, hypnotherapy, meditation and memory principles in under 15 minutes. That is why we summarise your best books using these four principles: 

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Top Quality Focus

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We believe in top quality, so what really matters to us is how you can retain the information you get and apply it to your daily life. That’s why we produce the world’s best audiobook summaries in under 15 minutes by combining neuroscience and hypnotherapy with advanced learning and memory principles. 

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With an explosion of information, it’s easier for businesses to maximise on quantity while compromising on quality. This is why you see many summaries just skimming along the surface. At Booknotic, we ensure we cover the fundamental concepts so that you only grasp the most valuable information. 

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Time Value

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We understand that your time is precious, and that’s why we wouldn’t want you to waste any of it. So our objective is to make every word and sentence count. Whether it’s an example or an illustration, we want to make sure that every concept is grasped and retained

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Respect to the Author

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We respect the author’s thoughts, so we wouldn’t want to alter any piece of information from the books we summarise. Besides, expert writers invest their time researching and writing books to ensure accuracy, so it would be fair to summarise the key concepts but never alter any idea. 

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Get in Touch

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